Baby elephant with beautiful blue eyes shows she fits in just about everywhere

Baby elephant with beautiful blue eyes shows she fits in just about everywhere

The HERD (Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development) TRUST started in 2021 after caring for elephants affected by conflicts with humans for 24 years.

In 2019, they built the HERD Orphanage to help young orphaned elephants find a home for rehabilitation and join an existing elephant family.

The elephants definitely keep them busy.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

The Jabulani herd now has 16 elephants, with 11 being orphans and five born to the herd over 10 years ago.

The Jabulani Lodge, built in 2004, supports the herd through tourism earnings.

In 2021, they decided to bring together the Jabulani herd, HERD Homestead operations, and HERD Orphanage under the HERD Trust, a registered PBO, to get public funding for the elephants’ well-being.

HERD Trust is committed to helping local communities through education and development, empowering people nearby, and spreading awareness about elephant protection.

They are also active online, connecting with a global audience to educate more people about elephants.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

Ladies and gentlemen meet the blue-eyed elephant, Khanyisa.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

Khanyisa is a rare albino elephant calf with exceptionally beautiful blue eyes.

She was discovered caught in a snare with severe injuries in January 2020.

Her injuries showed that she had been struggling to free herself for a few days, with deep cuts on her neck, cheeks, and the top of her right ear.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

She was found alone, with no sign of her herd.

From the start, Khanyisa quickly settled in at HERD, forming a close bond with Lammie, a loyal companion sheep.

After being rescued, her rescuers discovered that feeding Khanyisa was more challenging than usual due to her mouth injuries.

However, that didn’t stop them from giving her the best care possible, the team found the right angles to help her drink successfully.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

The care team, along with wildlife veterinarian Dr. Peter Rogers, worked tirelessly for three months to treat and heal the calf’s wounds.

After her wounds had fully healed, the gradual process of integrating Khanyisa into the herd began.

It started with Jabulani, then Lundi, and eventually the entire group. Lundi was chosen as Khanyisa’s adoptive mother and embraced the role beautifully.

Khanyisa has thrived since her rescue, with healed wounds and deepened natural bonds with the herd.

When she was still little, she would usually spend her days from sunrise to sunset in the wild reserve with the elephants, and return to the homestead with the herd at night.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

Khanyisa continued relying on milk formula from caregivers until she was weaned at around five years old.

Her name, Khanyisa, which means “Light” or “Sunshine” in the local Shona language, reflects her unique albino appearance.

Although Khanyisa is already turning five years old, she still remains a source of joy for HERD and her many loyal supporters worldwide!

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

Based on the HERD, October 2022, Khanyisa has already been released with her herd.

Her fans worldwide are still keeping track of her journey.

“Khanyisa now weighs 1,000 lbs and HERD is raising a new baby orphaned elephant ❤ and they do a lot of wonderful education work!, “one YouTube user wrote in the comments.

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

YouTube Screenshot – The Dodo

Another one wrote, “Herd has a new baby boy (ETA: his name is Phabeni,) who is currently integrating with the herd. They do a wonderful job, and their videos are so peaceful and educational.”

It sure looks like Khanyisa is no longer the baby of the HERD.

Watch the video below to see how Khanyisa’s journey started in the HERD!

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