Several years back, Aaron Benitez faced a unique dilemma while planning his wedding with his girlfriend – choosing his best man.
In a delightful twist, Aaron bypassed tradition and selected his beloved cat, Prince Michael, for the honor.
This quirky choice captured the hearts of many and became a widely discussed topic.

He wasn’t the only one to choose a very unique best man.
Aaron’s decision to appoint his cat as his best man might have raised eyebrows, but he wasn’t the first to break norms by choosing an animal for such a role.
In fact, there’s an even more unusual choice out there—a buffalo that has not only been a best man once but three times for its owners’ vow renewal ceremonies!

The American buffalo, or bison, is a majestic creature, standing as North America’s largest land animal.
With a height of 6 feet, a length of 10 feet, and a weight that can reach up to 2,000 pounds, these animals are a symbol of strength and resilience.
Despite their near extinction in the 19th century, bison have made a remarkable comeback from a population of just 1,000 in 1890 to thriving numbers today.

Bison have a reputation for being wild and untamable.
Their fierce temperament is often shown in parks where they’ve attacked people getting too close for selfies.
This raises the question: can bison truly be domesticated as pets?

The answer leans towards no.
While bottle-raised bison can be somewhat tamed, they never fully shed their instinctual fear of humans.
Yet, a couple claims to have achieved the impossible by fully taming their buffalo, dubbing themselves “the buffalo whisperer.”

Their pet buffalo is one of a kind.
Despite the known dangers associated with buffalos, this couple insists their buffalo is an exception, showcasing a friendly demeanor that contradicts its species’ fearsome reputation.
This buffalo enjoys human interaction and even participates in social events like parties.

The buffalo’s love for life doesn’t stop at human interactions – it extends to other animals as well.
From playing basketball to welcoming new baby animals into its circle, this buffalo’s playful nature is undeniable.
They wrote online:
“We give this big boy birthday parties, with streamers, icing shaped like buffalo poop with a candle on top. He loves a large roll-around trashcan, plays basketball, and loves new baby animals such as baby goats, cats, dogs, horses.”

Among its favorite pastimes is “bouncing” on a trampoline, a sight as amusing as it is unexpected.
Even his family can’t help but bust out laughing as he interacts with the giant kids’ toy.

It’s not every day you see a buffalo have some fun with a trampoline.
The video capturing the funny moment has racked up over nine million views for good reason.
Be sure to click on it below!
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