Mama dog catches her puppies squabbling and relatable ‘scolding’ earns 25 million views

Mama dog catches her puppies squabbling and relatable ‘scolding’ earns 25 million views

Sibling rivalry is a phenomenon that transcends species.

It’s a universal truth that children will squabble regardless of whether they’re human or animal.

Mom will step in when the noise level escalates beyond her tolerance.

Flickr – Clevergrrl

Flickr – Clevergrrl

This rule applies not just to humans but to dogs as well.

There’s something amusing and endearing about watching these interactions play out in the animal kingdom, reminding us of the similarities we share with our four-legged friends.

Puppies, despite their adorable appearance, can be quite the handful.

They sometimes need a firm hand from their mother to keep them in line.

Just like human children, dogs test boundaries, push their luck, and sometimes need a little discipline to learn the rules of the pack.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

It’s a crucial part of their growth and development, teaching them important social skills they’ll need as they grow older.

Consider the case of two mischievous pups who wouldn’t stop wrestling.

Their non-stop play was cute, but it was also disruptive.

The energy of puppies is boundless, their curiosity and playfulness a joy to watch.

But when playtime turns into a wrestling match, it’s time for a little parental intervention.

Puppies chasing and biting each other is a normal part of their play.

It’s how they learn to interact with their peers, understand their strengths, and establish their place within the pack.

However, when their roughhousing escalates to a point where they could potentially harm each other, it’s time for their mother to intervene.

It’s a delicate balance, allowing them to learn but stepping in when necessary.

Enter the scene, two Labrador puppies named Lucy and Milo.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

Their human parents filmed them as they playfully wrestled on a blanket spread on the floor.

Their tiny paw punches were adorable, but they seemed to be getting a bit too rough.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

The line between play and fighting can sometimes blur, and it’s up to the adults to ensure things don’t get out of hand.

One of the pups continued to pester his sibling, who clearly wasn’t interested in playing anymore.

This was the last straw for their mother.

She had had enough of their antics and decided to take action.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

It’s a scene familiar to any parent, the moment when patience wears thin and it’s time to lay down the law.

The mother dog tried to gently stop the misbehaving pup by lightly nibbling its behind.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

However, the pup only became more feisty and loud.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

When the pup turned his aggression towards his mother by barking at her, he didn’t realize that he was only making things worse.

It’s a classic case of a child pushing the boundaries, not realizing the consequences until it’s too late.

The mother dog responded with a stern bark, as if to say, “Are you talking back to me now?”

Her harsh barks silenced the pups.

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

YouTube screenshot – Lucy & Milo

They quickly got the message and bowed their heads to the floor.

When the little pup tried to pester his sibling again, a single bark from his mother was enough to make him obey.

It’s a lesson in respect and understanding authority, one that’s as important in the animal kingdom as it is in human society.

The video of this family drama struck a chord with viewers, garnering over 25 million views on YouTube.

The comments section was filled with people relating to the universal experience of being scolded by their mothers.

The video of Lucy and Milo’s mother disciplining them is a reminder that getting reprimanded by mom is a universal experience, transcending species.

It’s a heartwarming glimpse into the world of animals, showing us that despite our differences, we share more similarities than we might think.

Click the video below to see the adorable scolding for yourself!

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