Delivery drivers really have their work cut out for them. The convenience of online shopping means that everyone’s doing it, and that’s a whole lot of orders for delivery drivers to have to take to your doorstep.
This Amazon driver had an interesting day on the job when he had to meet the homeowner’s dog.

The dog, which seems to be a pitbull, was unsurprisingly wary of the stranger carrying that big, cardboard box. Though this pitty knew better than to just run in teeth-first.
Instead, it sat patiently and just nonchalantly watched the delivery driver make his way on the main path.
But the Amazon driver wasn’t going to just relax and walk up to the door. He is a stranger, after all. He doesn’t know how this dog might feel about that. And he’s not gonna just take a few more steps to find out.

What do you do when you’re nervous around someone you just met? Well, you make small talk, right?
“Oh…. hi pretty! Are you friendly? I feel like you’re not.”
It’s wise, after all, to get to know someone first before getting close to them.

Thankfully, this dog was a lot more keen on making friends than the delivery guy thought.
After nervously walking up and informing the dog “I’ve got a package for your mom”, the dog seemed to understand that he wasn’t here to hurt anyone.
To his surprise, the pitty let him walk up all the way and leave the package. There was even an air of excitement to the way the pitty stood up to greet him – which sealed away any doubt in his mind.
Ah, so this is a friendly dog!

“Hi, I’m Eric!” said the driver enthusiastically. Seeing that the dog was chill about him completely changed his mood.
Eric had an audible change in his voice. “Oh so you’s a friendly doggy?” he says happily while walking up to let the dog sniff his hand. It’s not everyday you get to make new friends on the job.

The sight of this blooming friendship was Kansas City, Missouri.
The pitbull’s name is Grace, and she was 8-years-old at the time of the video.

Grace and Eric warmed viewer’s hearts across the globe with this adorable interaction. Strangers and pitbulls are things everyone is taught to be wary of, and this clip shows just how misleading popular advice can be sometimes.
The pitbull’s mom, Ashley Gore, was actually at home when it happened.

She was in the backyard, unaware of the friendship blossoming on her front porch.
It wasn’t until she came back and saw the doorbell camera footage that she found out what happened.

When she discovered it, she just had to share it with everyone she knew on social media. And I’m very glad she did, because the video will cheer just about anyone up.
Watch the full video yourself below. A wholesome moment like this is best spread around, so share this article too!
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