Owner is devastated by dog’s passing and buries her in backyard but days later learns she’s alive

Owner is devastated by dog’s passing and buries her in backyard but days later learns she’s alive

In the picturesque region of Suffolk, East Anglia, Codie Hutton has been blessed with the companionship of a special pet for nearly a decade.

This young woman’s journey with Maisie, her female springer spaniel, is a tale of growth and deep friendship.

For the past three years, Maisie has evolved from just a pet to being Codie’s closest confidante and an integral part of the Hutton family’s life.

This Morning – YouTube

This Morning – YouTube

The bond between the Huttons and Maisie is profound.

They cherish every moment with their four-legged family member, finding it impossible to envision a day without her joyful presence.

However, one chilly November day brought an unexpected twist that threatened to shatter this beautiful relationship.

This Morning – YouTube

This Morning – YouTube

The incident unfolded on November 5th, during a routine drive.

Codie, sensing Maisie’s restlessness from the long journey, stopped for a break.

As she reached out to attach the leash, a sudden firework exploded, frightening Maisie.

Codie later described the heart-stopping moment to the East Anglian Daily Times, saying, “She just bolted. Straight out of the car.”

This Morning – YouTube

This Morning – YouTube

Codie, familiar with Maisie’s habits, initially thought her furry friend would seek refuge behind some bushes, perhaps indulging in her favorite pastime of chewing sticks, before returning.

But as the hours ticked by with no sign of Maisie, anxiety began to set in.

Codie and her father started to fear the worst for their beloved pet.

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Their worry intensified when they received reports of Maisie being seen quite a distance from their parked car.

Codie recounted, “Someone saw her get clipped by a car, which was a blessing in disguise as she wasn’t hurt and it altered her course away from the A12.”

Determined to find Maisie, Codie and her father spent a sleepless night near the last place she was seen, clinging to hope as they planned to continue their search at first light.

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Codie Hutton – Facebook

The following morning, however, brought a call that filled their hearts with dread.

A passerby had discovered a lifeless animal resembling a dog.

Bracing themselves for the worst, Codie went to confirm whether it was Maisie.

The absence of a microchip made identification difficult, but the distinctive markings on the animal’s legs led Codie to believe it was indeed her Maisie.

With heavy hearts, they brought the body back, laying it to rest in their backyard.

Codie faced the painful task of explaining to her 3-year-old son that Maisie had become a star in doggy heaven.

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Just when the Hutton family was beginning to come to terms with their loss, an unexpected call rekindled their hope.

Someone had spotted a dog resembling Maisie, several miles from where she was last seen.

They even sent a photograph.

Codie, cautious yet hopeful, decided to follow this lead with her father, not wanting to get her hopes too high in case it wasn’t Maisie.

Codie Hutton – Facebook

Codie Hutton – Facebook

The moment they arrived at the location, their doubts vanished.

There was Maisie, alive and well, her tail wagging furiously and tears of joy in her eyes as she reunited with her family.

The reunion was emotionally charged, with Codie and her son Tylen overwhelmed with happiness at having their best friend back.

The mystery of the buried animal was soon solved – it turned out to be a fox, not their beloved Maisie.

This Morning – YouTube

This Morning – YouTube

This extraordinary story of Maisie’s disappearance and miraculous return is proof of the unbreakable bond between pets and their families.

It’s a tale of despair turning to hope, and ultimately, joyous reunion.

Codie’s heartfelt recount of this emotional rollercoaster can be experienced in her own words in the video below, capturing the essence of this incredible journey.

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