Spurned Bulldog gives dad a look so pitiful it earns him over 8M views online

Spurned Bulldog gives dad a look so pitiful it earns him over 8M views online

Could there possibly anything worse than hearing the word “no”? Probably not.

That’s especially true for dogs. They simply don’t get a say in anything. Maybe a bark, at best.

Some dogs don’t give in that easily.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

That’s what this dog proved recently when he decided that he wanted to be petted.

Although there was just one problem — he entered the room and discovered that his owner was sleeping. That didn’t stop him from trying to get some attention anyway though.

Meet Reuben the Bulldog.

“Reuben the Bulldog’s family was told when they got him that he would require large amounts of love and attention. How true this turned out to be!” the video description reads.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

The whole adorable situation was caught on camera.

So many people around the world have been able to identify with the short clip, mainly because all dog owners have been in a similar situation before.

Reuben’s hilarious antics got over 8M views.

It’s an all too classic story.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

The video starts with the owner relaxing on the couch, trying to get some rest. All of a sudden, Reuben the Bulldog comes running over squealing.

It’s obvious that he wants some love. He makes a couple of soft grunting noises to try and wake the man up.

It’s very polite of him not to bark.

However, when the grunting doesn’t work, he has to step up the intensity of his attempts.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

Reuben decides to jump.

He leaps up onto the man and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Luckily for the pup, it proves to be a decent strategy.

“He just sprayed me in the face with cheese-smelling mucous,” says the man.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

He’s keeping people well-informed.

It’s good that the man is so detailed in his explanation of the dog’s foul-smelling breath.

As video viewers, we aren’t able to know these tiny details without being explicitly told about them.

However, it helps to provide context as to why the man doesn’t want to give the pup any love back.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

Reuben just wants to jump onto the couch and share it with his owner.

However, he soon gets the message loud and clear… he is not welcome on the couch.

He sulks over to his cold dog bed and plops down there instead.

“Look at that. How novel! He is actually using his bed for once. Although, he is not happy about it,” the man jokes.

He’s right. Reuben’s not happy.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

The man smirks.

It’s not often that Reuben obeys his commands so nicely. However, the obedience soon proves to be very short-lived. Reuben lets off a small protest bark.

“He would much rather be laying on top of me, but sometimes I need a break because I can’t always have a dog on top of me every time that I lay down. So now he’s mad,” explains the man.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

His reasoning is sound.

If he lets Reuben jump on top of him every time that he wants to, then he would never get any sleep. Sometimes, as an owner, one must lay down the law and tell the pups no.

“Pout all you want. Give me a break, just for today,” says the man.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

The barking protest intensifies.

It’s obvious that Reuben isn’t used to being denied access to the couch. Yes, the owner ultimately comes out on top in the argument for a few minutes.

However, we can pretty much guarantee that eventually, the pup will get his wish.

“I don’t think this is going to last, right Reuben?” the man says.

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

YouTube – Reuben the Bulldog

Reuben scowls at his dad as he waddles off of the dog bed. He bo great fan of the floor, especially when dad is lying there like a warm plum waiting to be snuggled on.

See how well Reuben handles being told “no” and his dad’s hilarious commentary in the video below!

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